Other points of view:
You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. You can cover all with health insurance, but you can’t make people take care of themselves.
Here are examples of a few good changes (reforms) that have occurred over the last 30 years or so since I entered into the health insurance business. These changes gave people access and offered a way to help themselves:
- COBRA – Allows employees to continue coverage if they leave employment;
- Credible Coverage Rules – If you were previously insured, a new employer must cover your pre-existing conditions;
- Health Savings Accounts – Encourage thrift and wellness by insured members;
- Small Group Reform in most states – Permits rating up of, but not declining of, groups, thus guaranteeing access for all who choose to purchase;
- Rating by Medical History – Good risks pay less (encouraging wellness) and bad risks pay more but have rate ceilings;
- Medicare Advantage Plans – Insurance companies willing to offer coverage to Medicare-eligible individuals (take them out of Medicare) and the government gets to negotiate a cost which saves the government money. A market-driven solution.
I am in favor of reform that helps cover more people. I am in favor of covering people who want to be insured. I am in favor of requiring insurance companies to accept all who want coverage with rate caps.
I want enough reform to fix the things that are broken.
Mark Alder, President, Herbruck Alder - malder@herbruckalder.com - www.herbruckalder.com